Building and Finance Committee

The Building and Finance Committee is a consultative body whose role is to advise the Pastor on issues regarding the maintenance/repairs of the building and the income/expenses of the Church.


The council members are listed on the front page of the bulletin.


The Committee meets on a monthly basis.


Did you know our parish offers electronic withdrawals? Make your weekly offering simple and convenient by switching to once a month automatic withdrawals.
No weekly envelopes. Your offering is withdrawn directly from your bank account on a monthly basis - it couldn't be easier! Snowbirds can still contribute while they are away and the summer cottage folks and summer travellers can do the same so operating expenses are covered.
You will still receive a box of Offering Envelopes for special collections during the year (like Christmas etc) that are not covered in your monthly amount.
To start giving electronically, simply print the Electronic Funds Transfer Form, complete the form and either scan it along with a void cheque or take a picture of it and a picture of a void cheque and email it to To change the monthly amount or cancel the electronic withdrawal at any time, simply call or email the Parish Office.
We appreciate and thank you for your generous support!


'Give and it will be given to you.'