Knights of Columbus (K of C)


Friends and Future Knights:

Have you been thinking of being part of the Knights of Columbus? Now could be the time!

Reach out to me directly and we can chat!

Vivat Jesus!

Sir Al Vodicka – Worthy Grand Knight

Father Hugh Mackinnon Council 8192


If you are a Catholic male over the age of 18 (or know of one) and not in the Knights of Columbus yet, here are 5 reasons that will encourage you to join this great fraternal organization of the Catholic Church that is founded on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.

1. The Heartbeat of the Knights of Columbus is Service. The Knights are one the largest charitable organizations in the world.
2. The Knights of Columbus Supports the Catholic Church and is composed of a fraternity of 1.8 million Catholic Men and has been a foundation of support for the Catholic Church.
3. The Knights of Columbus are Pro-Family. Since the traditional family is composed of the husband, wife, and children, the Knights see them as the core, foundation, and fabric for all of society.
4. The Knights of Columbus are strongly and devoutly Pro-Life. Following the teachings of the Catholic Church, they believe that Life begins at conception and ends in natural death.
5. The Knights of Columbus are Faithful to the Catholic Church by being obedient to the teachings of the Church, its Bishops and Priests, and showing fidelity to the See of Peter. As faithful Catholics, the Knights foster and develop Vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life, and Holy Matrimony.


To join, simply contact the Parish Office or sign up online using the link below:


Check us out on Facebook - Knights of Columbus, Elmira Ontario


Meetings are held Sept - June.
Executive virtual meeting - the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm
General meeting - the 3rd Tuesday of the month, in the hall, at 6:30 pm


The Knightly News:


June 2024


May 2024


April 2024


March 2024


February 2024


January 2024