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Mass Schedule & Sacraments

Weekend Masses:
St Teresa of Avila - Elmira
Saturday - 5:00 pm
Sunday - 9:00 am
St Boniface Church - Maryhill
Sunday - 11:00 AM
Weekday Masses
St Teresa of Avila - Elmira can be found in the bulletin.
St Boniface Church - Maryhill click here.
Daily Mass readings can be found on the website Our Catholic Prayers and when there, click on the blue link titled Daily Mass readings.
Daily TV Mass offers Mass each day on television and the internet.
Vision TV
Sunday - 8:00 AM
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM
Saturday - 8:00 AM & 9:30 AM
Salt + Light
Sunday - 11:00 AM & 10:30 PM
Monday - Saturday - 6:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, 10:30 PM
Sunday - 10:30 AM
Monday - Saturday - 1:00 PM
Check your local listings for FaithTV and JoyTV
Travelling within Canada? Find Mass times for a church near you on Canada Mass Times.
Find a church just about anywhere, Join My Church includes 193,700 churches across the globe and this number continues to grow!

Adoration: On the First Thursday of the month from 12:30 - 1:30 (after Mass).
"Could you not watch one hour with Me?" What is Adoration?
Stations of the Cross - Pray the Stations of the Cross provides you with the Pope's booklet of prayers and includes pictures of our new Stations (beautiful pictures taken by our very own Geoffrey Maher).
Reconciliation: By request.
Baptism: Parents, please contact the Parish Office and pick up a Baptism package.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: (May) For students in Grade 2. A six week preparation program offered by the church for both sacraments. Instruction takes place during the Sunday Mass. Catholic students attending public school need to be registered with the Diocesan Catechesis program. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office
Confirmation: (May) For students in Grade 7. An eight week preparation program offered by the church. This is an evening class where students prepare for one of the most important sacraments in the Church. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office.
Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office six months prior to desired date. Marriage course required.
Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact the Parish Office and let us know of any who are shut in or sick in the hospital so they may receive the comfort of the Church's sacraments and prayers.
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Sign up for pre-authorized giving. Simply print the Electronic Funds Transfer Form, complete the form and either scan it along with a void cheque or take a picture of it and a picture of a void cheque and email it to This would be truly and profoundly appreciated. May God bless you for your generosity.